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HomeInternshipInternship Program at METI Japanese 2023-24 in Japan

Internship Program at METI Japanese 2023-24 in Japan

Internship Program at METI Japanese 2023-24 in Japan is open now. METI Japanese Internship Program has opened applications for the academic year 2023-24. Students from international level can apply for this summer internship. This opportunity will include internship and residency in Japan. METI Japanese will hire 200 interns this time from OECD / DAC listed countries. The duration of this summer internship is from mid-August to the end of September 2023.

Few of Japanese companies have been selected where this internship will be performed by selected internees for the entire duration. Japanese have decided to expand foreign business by hiring international candidates. By joining this internship, candidate will be able to study business strategies abroad in different Japanese company.

Also apply below:

Postdoctoral Fellowships at MSCA 

Brief description

Offered by:Government of Japan
Duration:2 Months
Internship coverage:Fully Funded
Eligible nationality:All Nationalities
Award country:Japan
Last Date:30 June 2023

Scholarship Benefits 

Students will be awarded with below benefits:

  • Insurance coverage throughout internship duration.
  • Electronic devices such as laptops, communication devices and mobile phones will be able to borrow for students.
  • Full coverage of all the expenses will be provided.

Eligible Countries:

Philippines, Libya, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Nepal, Syrian Arab Republic, Maldives, Niger, Tajikistan, Marshall Islands, Rwanda, Tokelau, Mauritius, Sao Tome and Principe, Tunisia, Mexico, Senegal, Ukraine, Montenegro, Sierra Leone, Uzbekistan, Montserrat, Solomon Islands, Vanuatu, Namibia, Somalia, Viet Nam, Nauru, South Sudan, West Bank and Gaza Strip, Niue, Sudan, North Macedonia, Tanzania, Palau, Timor-Leste, Panama, Togo, Paraguay, Tuvalu, Peru, Uganda, Saint Helena, Yemen, Saint Lucia, Zambia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Samoa, Serbia, South Africa, Suriname, Thailand, Tonga, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Venezuela, Wallis and Futuna, Afghanistan, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea Armenia, Albania, Angola, Zimbabwe, Bolivia, Algeria, Bangladesh, Cabo Verde, Antigua and Barbuda, Benin, Cameroon Argentina, Bhutan, Congo, Azerbaijan, Burkina Faso, Côte d’Ivoire, Belarus, Burundi, Egypt, Belize, Cambodia, El Salvador, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Central African Republic, Eswatini, Botswana, Chad, Georgia, Brazil, Comoros, Ghana, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Guatemala, Colombia, Djibouti, Honduras, Costa Rica, Eritrea, India, Cuba, Ethiopia, Indonesia, Dominica, Gambia, Jordan, Dominican Republic, Guinea, Kenya, Ecuador, Guinea-Bissau, Kosovo, Equatorial Guinea, Haiti, Kyrgyzstan, Fiji, Kiribati, Micronesia, Gabon, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Moldova, Grenada, Lesotho, Mongolia, Guyana, Liberia, Morocco, Iran, Madagascar, Nicaragua, Iraq, Malawi, Nigeria, Jamaica, Mali, Pakistan, Kazakhstan, Mauritania, Papua New Guinea, Lebanon, Mozambique.

Also check below:

Conference in South Africa by African Youth Summit 2023

Scholarship Criteria 

  • Students must be from any of the above country.
  • Proficiency in Japanese or English is mandatory.
  • Student’s age must be 20 years old and does not exceed 40 years old till august 31, 2023.
  • Enrollment or graduation certificate from school or university is to be submitted.
  • Students have to provide letter of recommendations.
  • Student must be able to take proper training from internship program.
  • Candidate must follow timetable provided by company.
  • Student history must not included attendance of this internship between FY2017 to FY2022.

Apply procedure

·Students have to fill online application.

· Link to apply online is given below.


  • Summer internship: the middle of May, 2023 the late of June
  • Winter internship: the middle of August, 2023 the late of September

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